From Sadness to Happiness
Moving from sadness into happiness can be daunting at first. The idea of it being attainable can be hard to believe and continue to have faith in, especially if it has been alluding you for a long time. Here are some quick suggestions to combat your sadness:
1st Find something you love to do! It will distract you as long as the activity last. The longer you engage in things you enjoy, the less you are focused on your negative emotion (s). Currently the site offers easy recipes for the long days of quarantine. Coming soon is DIY projects that you can also participate in.
2nd Stay positive! Yes I know this is easily said but very difficult to do. Yet, it is a necessary component to creating forever happiness. You will need to change the dialog in your mind that suggest your situation will not change. Be mindful that the only guarantee life has to offer is change! The site offers reflections from our FB discussions that hit on topics BBB details how to overcome.
3rd Surround yourself with positive people! They have your back and your best interest in mind. On the days that you struggle the most with the inner dialog, these anchors will be there to lift you up. There will be moments in time when we cannot surround ourselves with others, the site offers self help in order for you to begin to tackle issues on your own.
Want to learn more ways to keep the happiness going. Join the Born Beautifully Boundless Blog. A weekly step by step guide of how to work through your sadness to gain forever happiness.