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Updated: Dec 18, 2020

Shallowed by an upbringing

A history

The false story told to offer one kind of hope

And viciously take it from another


Shallowed by a perception of old money

Blinding you from genuinely connecting

As if you hover with imaginary status

To dictate was is good or bad

Hiding behind a self made title

Shallowed by society

Daily interaction to inundate social pages

The narrative told through your media

Paid with stolen treasures

Modern day land pirate

Shallowed by ego

Self preservation at its highest

An education system built by your ancestors

To Predicate the haves and have nots

And further divide the line

Shallowed by lack of empathy

Sympathy for anyone who is not of your own

Chosen wealth instead of love

And decided that this makes you better

On the fake pedestal you stand upon

Shallowed by walls built

Carefully placed around the soul

So that nothing comes out

And absolutely nada goes in

Such a selfish and lonely existence


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