Socially Safe
Day 3 of 14: Taking Care during COVID-19 Self Quarantine
1) Yourself - ROUTINES: You were getting up every morning, showering, getting ready, and getting out. Try to stick to the routine of getting up and going to bed around the same time. Of course not as early as you used to, but be aware of how many hours a day you were active and try to maintain that balance of movement versus dormancy. This is especially important for the children in the household. This will cut down on the number of meltdowns they have and, of course, the ones you have that follow theirs.
The difference is that now when you get up, the day is pretty much yours (unless, of course, you are working from home). If the day is yours, try to do some of those things you complained about never having enough time to do. Ex: walking, exercise, crafting, quality time with family/friends, make a must-do list and check them off. Yes, video games might have been something you weren't able to do, but like anything else in life, those, too, need balance. Make sure to block out a time to do something productive; it will help with depression and aggression.
2) Dependents - EDUCATING: Your child's school district probably has a way to keep your child’s brain active during this time. This is very important for all students whether a scholar or a struggling student. Develop a schedule that allows the children the time they need to get their work done without compromising your own time. This might be a hard thing to balance. Try to choose activities that do not need a computer to get done first or during your peak hours of work. During times that are breaks for yourself or low peek hours have the children do the online work that is necessary. Create a schedule for everyone's Zoom meetings and communicate this with your child's teacher and your employer.
Are you finding the activities for school too difficult to accomplish? Do a couple of activities a day and be upfront with your child's teacher. They can find alternate activities for your child to help facilitate home learning. As long as the assignments your child completes are in the realm of what learning standards should be covered at this time, you should be good. Don’t feel pressure to get it all done. As a former teacher, even we don’t finish everything all the time.
3) Planning Ahead - Plan to Facetime with a family/friend who is far away. Don't just use those virtual meeting platforms for all work and no play. Finding a way to have fun on these platforms will keep you from getting burnt out from all the Zooming, Facetiming, etc. Check-in with those you love, spend some time, and check on as many people as you can. Knowing that everyone you care about is doing well or how they are fairing during this pandemic will help your spirits. It can also give you a purpose of how you can be more active during this time. We are definitely better together!
4) Activity for all- Warm weather, let yourself and your family stretch your legs. Go outside and get some fresh air. Vitamin D is also important to mental health and physical fitness. It could be as simple as walking around the neighborhood. Or you can also break out those games you haven't played with in a while. No games? Toss a ball, climb a tree, or fly a kite!