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Day 11 of 14: Taking Care during COVID-19 Self Quarantine



1) Yourself - Help spice up your own life some. Change a regular day into an extraordinary one. Create a soundtrack for your day. Play music that makes you feel good and keep your spirit high. Have it to where it plays all day or for certain tasks you complete on a daily basis, like working from home, homeschooling, or cooking and cleaning. Turn the volume up and dance your way through each "to list" item, until your day is complete.


2) Dependents - School work still needs to be done so read together. Even if you are now enjoying the summer months, continuing to read together will help those skills stay fresh and readily available until the next school year. We don't know how things will look once they do return or if things will be more remote than they ever have been. But find a book you can read with the kids and discuss. Everyone can take part; toddlers can turn pages or recite a book that you have read multiple times. Grade school kids can choose a book they are interested in reading to everyone. you can choose a book that gives them more history or choose a biography to help all children learn and spend quality time together.


This is not just limited to younger people. Read a book with your partner or spouse. Each takes a turn choosing a book that you both can enjoy together. Zoom a book club, and with a group of friends or family members, choose a book to read and discuss together. It will give you something new to talk about or can be a learning tool.


3) Planning Ahead - Lots more time to sit and catch up on the series you have always been meaning to watch. Decide to binge-watch a particular show you enjoy or find one to watch in its entirety. This can also be done with the entire family, or just you and your spouse, or a group of friends by Zoom. Turn it into a movie night/binge-watching event and make it special with snacks as well. You can watch TV and still take care of other obligations.


4) Activity for all- Board games are always good when you are bored. It is time to break out the cards, Uno, Candy Land, Monopoly, and whatever else you have collecting dust in your closet. This can be great for any and all ages as well, it can turn into a learning opportunity or just some great quality time together.

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